
Can I cancel my easyJet flight and get a refund?

Learn the possible details if you can cancel an EasyJet flight and avail a refund. 

Bookings and cancellations are not a piece of cake for many. Thus, for the same, you must adhere to the rules and regulations of the booking and get done with what is needed of you. For the sudden changes in your travel plans, you can proceed to cancel the booking you hold; however, you must read through the policies and be informed about their process to avail of a refund after you successfully cancel the flight. Read the information below, which will help you go through the cancellations. 

Can I cancel my EasyJet flight and get a refund? 

For the tickets you hold, in case you are looking for cancellations to get a refund against it, the booking rules first must agree with the same. To do this, you will need to read the terms and conditions of the EasyJet Cancellation Policy and learn about them. The guidelines to be followed are as follows:  

  • For the reservations of EasyJet flight tickets, which have been made seven or more days before the booking, you can cancel the flight within 24 hours of the reservation without any cancelation fee to be paid for the same. 
  • For premium or elite class bookings made with EasyJet, cancellations can be made up to three to four hours before the flight's departure. No cancellation charges will apply. 
  • The refund for the flight bookings after their cancellation shall be received using the original mode of payment. In case of changes with the same, mention it in the refund form. 
  • For the flight bookings that are being canceled due to medical emergencies, you can go for ticket cancellations for the same and be availed of the refund. You shall not be charged a cancellation fee in this case. 
  • If there is a death of a close relative, then you can cancel the booked flight to avail of a complete refund from them. 
  • The refund will take seven to twenty days to be credited to your bank account. This will mostly depend on the booking fare rules of the reservation's payment mode. 

How can I cancel my EasyJet flight and get a refund? 

To get a refund after canceling the flight ticket, you must also know the process. Thus, read through the processes below, using which you can cancel the flight ticket and then place a refund request. The process for the same is as follows: 

  • Skim through EasyJet's official homepage and get to the Manage booking section. 
  • Here, enter relevant data to salvage the booking. This shall be forwarded to the booking summary page. 
  • Next, click on the menu icon list. You will find a cancel option. 
  • Select the same, and proceed using the steps given below. Next, you will again be taken back to the page. 
  • Once again, select the refund request option. 
  • Now, a form will appear on the screen, where you can tap it and fill it out. 
  • Provide all the details required on the form and submit it. 
  • Once you are done, you shall receive confirmation through email to the registered email address. 

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